高级联系人表单插件可用于MotoCMS 3和MotoCMS登陆页面模板. If MotoCMS 3 Regular Contact Form features are not enough for your website, you need this advanced...
Sales: 17
Support: 4.9/5
Multifunctional & Responsive Navbar ScriptResponsive navbar script provides impressive functionality to any modern website. 如果你的网站是多功能的,那就太好了. There are...
Sales: 36
Support: 4.4/5
Galfilter Wordpress插件
Galfilter is the gallery type wordpress plugin which is consist of custom post type gallery and filter of each category. 这个galfilter插件将在安装后生成一个小部件和一个侧边栏区域...
JX Blog module from PrestaShop was developed to increase the traffic to your website by posting creative and helpful posts about your products and services. JX Blog模块附带了一组...
Sales: 3
Support: 4.1/5
MegaMenu prestshop模块
MegaMenu PrestaShop extension can streamline your store navigation with a multi-column and feature-rich menu. 除了产品类别和子类别之外,还可以向其添加各种元素...
Sales: 51
Support: 4.1/5
Create different variations of your products and display them on the homepage with the help of TM Homepage Combinations module. 通过此模块,您可以创建同一产品的变体...
Sales: 3
Support: 4.1/5
Enrich navigational options of your store by adding a related products section with the help of this TM Related Products module. 感谢这个模块的相关产品将显示在您的...
Sales: 2
Support: 4.1/5
该模块允许从主页的类别徽标创建一个独特的画廊. 您可以调整每个元素并为其提供自定义设置(应该显示什么以及如何显示). The gallery is fully...
Sales: 10
Support: 4.1/5
Reveal your store`s location and short description about it on the front page of your site with the help of the Google Map module. 该模块允许您添加显示的Google地图...
Sales: 9
Support: 4.1/5

PrestaShop模块 by RockThemes

Offer customers to subscribe to your newsletter in the form of a pop-up notification for maximum visibility. 该模块旨在显示一条消息,要求用户加入您的邮件列表...
Sales: 4
Support: 4.1/5
The ultimately advanced Google Map extension for Magento allows showing your store location on a visually appealing Google Map with a new look, position info marks, 以及基于位置的建筑...
Support: 4.1/5

About Plugins

商业网站的所有者通常以增加利润为目标. 网站通过提供良好的用户体验和吸引流量来帮助实现这一目标. 如果你们追求同样的东西, 你需要Templateog体育首页市场的WordPress插件和小部件. 我们收集的优质网页设计工具将超出您的期望. 浏览我们的模块存档, extensions, widgets, 和插件,以提高您的网站的功能!

By becoming our customer you get access to our free 24/7 client support that will answer any questions.

Templateog体育首页市场提供的插件有很多好处. 让我们来探索其中的一些:

  1. 它们是由专业的web开发人员创建的,并由我们的质量控制团队进行检查. 您可以确信您购买的是代码干净、功能完美的最佳产品.
  2. 所有产品都针对主要cms的当前版本进行了测试. 你不会在我们的收藏品中找到过时的产品.
  3. 此外,所有插件都会定期更新和修复. 随着时间的推移而变得明显的小bug会被尽快处理.
  4. 在我们的市场上销售的所有软件都有清晰的文档. 质量控制团队对此特别关注.

我们有WordPress, Prestashop和Javascript的高级附加组件. 谁会从我们的插件中受益? 简短的回答是:任何想把自己的网站提升到一个新的水平的人.

For instance:

  1. 想要增加网站功能的企业网站所有者. 他们可以通过添加新的基本功能来扩展或转换他们的网络资源.
  2. 需要丰富的UI软件工具包的专业web开发人员.
  3. 个人在线企业家和博主寻求为他们的网站添加新功能.


你可以用我们的插件做什么? 让我们来看一些例子.

  1. 滑块可让您在主页或图库部分显示几张全宽照片. 滑块强调了视觉内容的力量,并为设计增添了一种前沿的感觉.
  2. 日历小部件将允许显示即将到来的事件和预订.
  3. Booking widget will let site visitors order tables in your cafe without having to call the manager.
  4. 一组JetTricks可视化插件将添加许多效果. 例如,粘性元素、热点和粒子. They help you create a unique experience for site visitors and increase the time they spend on your website.
  5. Visual WordPress包会给你额外的博客模块, smart lists and tiles, video integration, and a Smart Ticker. 有了这些功能,你的博客一定会脱颖而出.
  6. MegaMenu插件将创建一个具有多个列和类别的大菜单. 此外,在包装中,你会发现一套促销横幅和徽章.
  7. 我们也有很棒的Javascript插件. 如果你是网页设计新手,找一个网站建设者. 您将获得数百个Bootstrap元素,导出和发布功能.

These are just a few examples of awesome web design assets you can find in the Plugins section of our marketplace. 选择那些符合你创意愿景的,然后别忘了给它们打分. 其他Templateog体育首页客户正在等待您的评论!

WordPress Plugins

WordPress plugins are pieces of software that contain a group of functions that you can add to a basic WordPress website.

These plugins were designed to let novices or those with no coding experience add features to their websites.

The WordPress plugins available throughout the Templateog体育首页 marketplace can serve different businesses operating within distinct industries (from restaurants to real estate companies).


  1. 访问WP仪表板;
  2. 点击左边菜单上的插件;
  3. 点击上传插件;
  4. 从计算机中选择文件;
  5. Install Now.

PrestaShop Extensions

PrestaShop扩展 are small programs that add or improve the functionalities of your online shop by enhancing the customer experience.

Advanced filters, one-click orders, product sliders, 更多的扩展都是为了使您的业务更加以客户为中心而设计的.

It doesn't matter which industry you are in; Templateog体育首页 provides PrestaShop plugins to meet the needs of any business, 无论大小.


  1. Access your Prestashop dashboard;
  2. 在左边的菜单中,点击模块,然后是模块和服务;
  3. 点击上传模块;
  4. Install.

Magento 2 Extensions

Magento 2 extensions 扩展Magento解决方案的应用程序是否具有特性和功能.

Newsletter pop-ups featured products; search functionality is all examples of useful extensions that can widely improve the user experience by making your e-shop more pleasant to navigate and the buying process more straightforward.

JavaScript Plugins

JavaScript plugins 软件的附加部分是否以标准编写 JavaScript file. You can use them to add functionalities to your website and make it easier for your users to manage, navigate, and interact with it.


Several reasons explain why people prefer installing and using plugins and extensions for their websites rather than keeping them basic.




The main reason why many people prefer to install plugins is that they help save a lot of development time. 此外,如果与插件的价格相比,雇佣一名开发人员可能相当昂贵. 另一方面,插件可能非常便宜,这取决于它们的复杂性.


Plugins ensure you the wide flexibility to improve and customize your site features and functionality. 另外,插件不是永久的. 当你不再需要它们或者想要替换它们的时候, 您可以轻松地停用和卸载它们.


专业的web开发人员设计了你在Templateog体育首页市场上找到的所有插件. 这意味着他们很专业,工作很投入. 此外,您还可以获得修复错误和更新系统的帮助.


大多数在线插件都是为用户准备的. In other words, People decide to integrate them into their sites to allow visitors and potential customers to experience a better navigation and buying process. For example, 一键购买插件, 用户无需重新输入个人信息即可继续购买, payment method, and so forth.


有时候,根据自己的需求选择合适的插件是很困难的. 此外,互联网上有许多插件,使得选择更加困难.



首先你应该考虑的是你想通过插件达到的目标. To rephrase it, you need to think about what functionality or feature you’d like to add to your website and how it’ll benefit its users.

For example, 如果你想加快购买过程, 您可能正在寻找一个插件,嵌入一键购买功能.


一旦你定义了你的目标,并正在寻找合适的插件, 您应该仔细分析它的特性和功能. 你希望它能提供你网站所需要的一切.


有些插件可能与您的网站类型(电子商务或博客)不兼容, 例如)或您使用的平台. 这是因为插件适合特定用途和CMS.


尽管插件并不贵,但小型企业的预算可能有限. 在这种情况下,考虑价格和平衡质量与价格是至关重要的. 就像你在任何其他网上购买一样, 查看插件的评论可以帮助你评估它的质量. 你想要选择一个有积极评价的插件或扩展,最好是四星以上.


如果您需要多个插件,请订阅 og体育首页ONE 对于你的必需品来说,计划可能是一个更方便的解决方案. 它将允许您访问和下载 unlimited plugins 设计适合不同的平台和软件.



而插件提供的额外功能不会改变核心功能, 扩展通过提供, for example, 版本变更或改进.


prestshop更容易管理和更快(如果你不添加太多插件). 这使得它成为小企业和初创企业的最佳选择. Instead, Magento是一个更复杂的解决方案,具有无限的自定义选项, 使其成为大型商店的最佳选择.

Is Prestashop free?




  1. 访问WordPress仪表板;
  2. 去插件,然后安装插件;
  3. 确定要启用的插件;
  4. click Activate.


You can install as many plugins as you need to run your website better and improve the user experience. 然而,安装太多的插件可能会减慢你的网站. 因此,安装和使用它们要适度,不要夸张.